Temporary Labour and Staffing Blog

Should My Company Hire Temporary Labour?

Posted by The Universal Group on Jan 3, 2018 12:00:00 PM
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Temporary employment has moved far beyond hiring secretarial and clerical work. Today, temporary workers come with a unique skill set from hospitality staff to construction labourers, and bring a wealth of skills and knowledge to your company.

Meeting the demands of your company can be a challenge, but it is important to identify these demands and understand which areas of your company might need the help of temporary workers or a temporary recruitment agency. But when exactly should you hire temporary labour?

Here are a few factors to consider when deciding to hire temporary labour:

  1. Project Size


Consider the projects and goals of your company like peak periods and immediate deadlines. Examine your pool of permanent staff and morale within your company as well. Hiring temporary labour can improve efficiency, reduce stress, and boost employee morale and productivity. It is a flexible solution to easily fill in extra labour during high-stress periods and ensure your company is able to adjust to a fluctuating workload.

  1. Growth


Temporary labour may also fill the gaps during a period of unexpected growth within your company. You might be unsure whether your company can afford overhead costs at this time. If such growth continues, hiring temporary employment can help companies understand their ability to adapt during the business growth. It can reduce the rate of redundancy packages from hiring permanent employees in case the growth of business does not sustain for a longer period of time.

  1. Cost


With each of your projects, determine the budget allowance for temporary workers. In many cases, the process of hiring temporary labour can be more cost-effective over hiring fewer, permanent employees. Temporary labour staffing agencies recruit a pool of skilled workers for various forms of labour. However, you should also consider additional training that may be necessary for certain projects. If the length of your project is longer than 6 months, full-time employment should also be considered.

  1. Administration


Once you have identified areas where your company may benefit from temporary employment, familiarize yourself with what a temporary employee might bring to your company and the steps needed to hire temporary labour.

Temporary labour staffing agencies can manage advertising, recruitment, wages, holiday pay, and all employment taxes and workers compensation premiums. They will ensure the critical processes of employment so that temporary workers can provide exceptional service and value for your company.

Due to the nature of hiring temporary employment internally which generally includes reduced benefits compared to permanent staff, staffing agencies can also confirm that your temporary employees are provided with an adequate understanding of their role in your company which will reduce any morale problems that may arise.

Is temporary labour the right fit for your company?

There are many benefits to consider when hiring temporary labour, but it is important to note whether temporary labourers are the right fit for your company and align with your goals. If temporary labour employment is cost-effective and easy to transition into your company, it may become an essential part of your company’s workflow.

Year to year, the benefits of temporary labour have encouraged hiring managers to hire temporary staff. For example, in iCIMS’s recent report on holiday hiring, 20% more employees were hired in 2016 compared to 2015. If you would like more information on the benefits of temporary employment and employment agencies, here are 5 more things you probably didn’t know about temporary employment agencies.


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Topics: temporary labour, temporary staffing

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